
Forestry management

Working with public/private forestry and land owners, as well as conservation organisations, Anstee Services offers a specialist forestry management service across the UK. We promote better, sustainable, forestry and woodland management.

Above: Our forwarder collecting brash from the forestry

Above: Our forwarder collecting brash from the forestry

Forestry management services


Our services for woodlands and forests include:

-       Manual and mechanical tree felling

-       Whole tree chipping

-       Brash recovery

-       Ash dieback management



Manual and mechanical tree felling for forestry management


Whether you’re dealing with ash dieback or require selective felling to promote health and growth, we will work with you to develop a suitable tree felling strategy. We are able to mechanically fell the vast majority of trees in woodlands and forests using our specialist plant. This includes low ground pressure felling equipment. If site constraints require trees to be felled by hand, then we also have a fully qualified team. 


Brash recovery in woodlands and forests


Forest and woodland owners are increasingly recognising the value of recovering brash. Residual brash is a natural by-product of thinning and felling operations and traditionally managed with practices such as piling, windrowing or burning. 


As an alternative, we can sensitively process any brash on-site into woodchip, to be used as a renewable energy source for biofuel power stations. We can recover brash as part of a wider tree felling operation conducted by ourselves, or following timber harvesting completed by another contractor.


Using specialist, state-of-the-art equipment, we will carefully collect the brash and move it to roadside. We will then chip the brash into our top-loading HGV trailers ready for transport.


Our brash recovery kit includes:


-        John Deere 1510G forwarder with very low ground pressure thanks to a specialist long rear bogie axle set up and flotation tracks. This allows enhanced and environmentally friendly operation and performance in soft soil.

-        Dutch Dragon press collector, which bolts onto the forwarder to increase the brash carrying capacity by 25%. The combination of our forwarder and press collector enables fewer loads and minimal ground disturbance.

-        A tracked CBI ChipMax 484 wood chipper, which enables high volume wood chipping at roadside or on any terrain. 

-        Walking floor bulk haulage trailers, which receive the chipped brash at roadside ready for transportation.


Overall, our brash recovery services allow better and more efficient forestry and woodland management. 



Forest and woodland ash dieback management


The Woodland Trust estimates ash dieback will lead to an estimated 80% loss of the UK’s ash trees. While it recommends that pre-emptive and wide-scale felling of ash is to be avoided wherever possible, it is likely that infected trees will eventually succumb to the virus and need to be felled.


Our fully qualified and CHAS approved team is experienced in felling dying and dangerous ash trees. Where ash trees require sectional felling, this should be done at an early stage of the decline to minimise the climbing risk posed by rotting bases and fragile crowns. Where manual felling isn’t necessary, we are able to use mechanical methods, including excavators with tree shears, to safely fell the trees.


As tree felling specialists, we will work with you to plan and manage the safe removal of infected ash trees. This will ensure the correct management of your forest or woodland through this devastating epidemic.

Contact us today

If you would like more information about, or a quote for, any of our forestry services, please contact us on 01656 646257 (ex 3) or email

Alternatively, you can use our online enquiry form.

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